For My Heart, I Shall Pray

Lord, my heart has grown cold.
Towards your people I flee from,
From the hurt I run towards.
Lord, my heart has grown cold.

Lord, my heart has grown distant.
The warmth I once felt is dreary,
The hope of renewal gone dismal.
Lord, my heart has grown distant.

Lord, my heart closes its feeling.
The cries of your people I flee from,
To the silence retreat I run towards.
Lord, my heart closes its feeling.

Lord, my hearts' passion is dying.
The excitement I once felt is now just dread,
My enthusiasm once grand now abysmal.
Lord, my hearts' passion is dying.

Lord, my heart has grown,
to hear the cries of your people,
to see, hear, and experience the hurt, pain, and loss.
Lord, my heart has grown.

Lord, my heart reaches for you,
because this world is to much,
because I cannot do this alone,
Lord, my heart reaches for you.

Lord, open my heart with new understanding,
let me see your wonders anew.
Break my heart for your people,
Lord, open my heart with new understanding.

Lord, instill new life to a dreary, broken, distant, dying heart
I pray for your vision, your word, you way,
Grant me forgiveness, show me your love, heal that which has been destroyed.
Lord, instill new life to a dreary, broken, distant, dying heart.

This I pray.


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