A Life Worth Living

I am a writer. I went to school to become a writer, to express my self through the written word, to tell stories, document facts and to speak to you. My life has altered, has taken me down a different path. I am now going to school to become a speaker. I ascertained my undergraduate degree from St. Ambrose University in writing, journalism, art history and English. I am clearly indecisive! I applied and was accepted into a couple of masters programs. I am working towards my masters degree in divinity. What is that you ask? It allows me to grasp, understand and ultimately step into a church with the preparation to teach, speak, love, evangelize and lead others to Christ.

Seminary life has thrown my life out of the scheduled, ordinary existence I was living in. I relocated myself 500 miles away from all of my family, my friends and everything of comfort and known. I have been met with personal struggles, new ways of thinking, new friends, the building of a new family, new directions, little sleep, new life (in more ways then one), and a life worth living.

This life however can only really be expressed and seen through my words, my voice. I am starting this blog as a way to share my life, to share this not just mere existence but a life. This functions as my outlet, as my documentation, as a view into the academy, as a view into the church, as an example of: love, living, joy, acceptance, pain, new-life, highs and lows, thought, expression, struggles, accomplishments, language, understanding, confusion, and above all a Life Worth Living.

I, like many others, find myself stuck in my schedule. I live my everyday life, every day. I know when I need to wake up, to get to work, to do my tasks, to get off, to drive home, to work on school stuff, to go to bed, to wake back up, to do it all over again. My life is forever in this turning wheel of predictive nature. My days bleed together, weekends come and go, mother nature takes its toll and frustrations and before I know it, it's the end of the month, the end of the semester, the new year has begun. I find myself waking up in the morning thinking "today may be the day!" The day for what? the day that my life might change, the day that something unexpected or unknown might happen, the day my schedule gets blown out from under me? My day starts to my realization that it is just another day.

I don't know about you, but I have had enough of my mere existence! I want to LIVE! It is a mindset really. I woke up today in the understanding and notion that I was going to be spending my entire day today sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture for 10 hours. I was not looking forward to it, it was simply something on my schedule for the next week. I woke up to 14 degree weather that caused me to be late to class because I couldn't see out of my car. I became frustrated and tired of just merely existing in this world. I have been listening to this lecture (concerning contemporary theology) for 4 hours now, with the want, desire and need for something more.

I have forgotten how to experience living. As a child there is nothing but fun, love and play. Each day is a brand new day to start something new. As a child I was not bound by obligations, to feed the cat, pay the bills, go to work to pay the bills, etc. I was free to live and to simply live. My life was an endless possibility. What a way to think about life, as an endless possibility! Growing up requires more responsibility and obligations, however, I no longer wish to be held captive by these things. I want to remember the freedom of living. Life is a fleeting moment in time. I want to make this moment wroth it every single moment.

It is time to break free of merely existing and live a life you deem worth living!

Blessings & Joy


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