From Where Does MY Strength Come From...

Engaging in conversations this past week something crossed my mind: When did "power" change to what we know of it today? When did the power in politics become a money match? When did war become a power play? When did power begin taking away life? Is it a matter of personal power or a matter of where does the power stem from?

When power stems for someplace of goodness, love, respect it becomes something that is good, respectable, and something that is commendable. Isn't this how each of us wants to be remembered? As someone who used what they had, what they were given in this life to make a change to do something good. Not as someone "who had good intentions", who used what they had to promote their agenda; to demean, push asunder, hate, condemn, judge, and discriminate. If someone was documenting everything you said, acted upon, looked at, chose not to see, and judged, would that be a book you would want to read?

In a culture filled with violence, hate speech, detestable actions, broken promises, and uncertain futures; a knowledge of power is needed. The knowledge of where ones own power comes from, a knowledge of where others power comes from.

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 

10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Scripture says over and over again how Christ strengthens the weak, Christ is our strength, Christ is our shield, etc. Over and over again we are reminded in scripture that we are made strong in Christ, that Christ fills us in our weaknesses. Strength and power are given to those who are humble and weak. Our power comes from our own weaknesses, for it is within our own weaknesses that we cling to the power of Christ within us. 

In a devotion I read once about prayer, there was something about how we come to God in our pain, in our suffering, in our need, when we petition God, when we are in need of his presence and that it was no wonder that this life isn't perfect, that this life isn't easy. How often I forget to go to God when my life is going great, how often I forget to thank the Lord for these opportunities, adventures, and blessings. No wonder life is hard--->it brings us to the feet of God in prayer. 

Where does your power come from? Does it come from your commitment to something greater then you? Does it stem from a love, respect, and grace for others? Does it fill you when you have emptied yourself for others, when you are at your weakest and lowest point in life? Do you find yourself on your knees in prayer, to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, to be used as a vessel of love, goodness, mercy, justice, and grace?

Where does power come from?

Blessings & Joy


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