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The Only Encounter

ROAR!  If you haven't seen, heard, or read anything about the controversy over the VBS Roar Curriculum from Group yet, I am not going to direct you to it.  I am not going to shame and guilt a company that is geared towards educating children in both Scripture and the world we live in, because the company decided to take up the challenge and wrestle with a difficult subject matter.  When approaching and tackling what Holy Scripture teaches and reminds the people of God about, it is a difficult undertaking for adults. Now take that same difficult undertaking and try to teach that to children. It becomes even more difficult to teach in a way that is engaging and informative.  Roar takes the scriptural history of the Israelite nation while they were still slaves in Africa (Egypt) and begins to teach and show children and adults alike how God is still good and still faithful through it all. Of a 5-day curriculum, there are 3-points that are being scrutinized...

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